different types of dashes on keyboard

There are actually two types of Dash, the en-dash and the em-dash. 40-42 §§ 12-13 Read more specific guidelines on Wikipedia.. The keyboard is the way we use to enter or manipulate data or information, and it looks more or less like the one below: Other than the letters (a to z) and numbers (0 - 9) on the keyboard, there are also many symbols for different purposes. What's the Difference Between a Hyphen and a Dash ... How to use the en dash, em dash and hyphen (also ndash, mdash) Press and hold the Option and the Shift key and hit once on the [-] (Minus or Hyphen) key. In the Control Panel search box, type keyboard layout. What are the Names of the Keyboard Symbols (Full List ... 14.04 keyboard shortcut-keys unicode. Choose Numbers > Preferences (from the Numbers menu at the top of your screen). 3. You can adjust this setting for your entire document or for specific paragraphs. The most common types of dashes are the en dash (-) and the em dash (—). On Mac documents like Pages, press alt or option key and type the Mac code. Create en dashes with Option-hyphen (Mac) or ALT 0150 (Windows) — hold down the ALT key and type 0150 on the numeric keypad. On iOS, you can hold the - button and a sub-menu will appear which allows you to choose between different types of dashes. En dash . The en dash - The en dash (&ndash;)-so named because it is half the width of a capital 'M' (an 'n')-has altogether different uses to the em dash.The en dash is used in ranges, for example: 6-10 years; July 10-August 1 2009; pp. Dashes vs. Hyphens - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation If you are typing on Quora, two hyphens in a row automatically change to an em-dash. You can have Pages hyphenate those words instead as you type. Word will substitute an em dash automatically as you are typing if you type a word, two hyphens in a row, and another word. There are three different types of dashes in English writing. Using the em-dash | A quick and simple guide to using the ... Remember, you should toggle Unicode Hex Input for using these alt code shortcuts. This page explains how the brackets are used in writing, mathematics, and programming. Hyphen vs. Dashes: When to Use and How to Type On Mac, use Shift+ Option+ Hyphen (-). For example, press 22EE then alt and x keys to type vertical ellipsis symbol like ⋮. What's The Difference Between Dashes and Hyphens ... For instance, you get one type of dash when you press on the minus key—it is a dash that is very narrow. Hyphen, minus, en-dash, and em-dash: difference and usage ... A longer dash is called an en dash, because it is the same width as a lowercase n. Likely, your keyboard already has a key just for this purpose. The purpose of the hyphen (-) is to join two words-for example . A hyphen is the easiest punctuation mark to create in Google Docs. There is also an interactive and printable exercise worksheet. A longer dash is called an en dash, because it is the same width as a lowercase n. Note that RightAlt refers to the Alt key on the right-hand side of the keyboard. There are four common types of bracket: parentheses (), square brackets [], braces {}, and angle brackets <>. a compound word.. ". WINDOWS: on computers with Windows operating system like Windows 8, Win 7, Vista, Windows XP, etc.. To get the letter, character, sign or symbol "-": ( Hyphen , minus sign ) on computers with Windows operating system: 1) Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard, and do not let go. Footnotes: 1 Control-C has typically been used as a "break" or "interrupt" key. Now release the Alt key. On a Mac (and on iOS devices connected to a physical keyboard), you can use ⌥ + - for an en-dash and ⇧ Shift + ⌥ + - for an em-dash. ASCII code - , Hyphen , minus sign, American Standard Code ... Alt Codes - How to Type Special Characters and Keyboard ... By default, Pages moves words that don't fit on a line of text to the next line. WINDOWS: on computers with Windows operating system like Windows 8, Win 7, Vista, Windows XP, etc.. To get the letter, character, sign or symbol "-": ( Hyphen , minus sign ) on computers with Windows operating system: 1) Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard, and do not let go. Dashes are longer than hyphens and they come in two types. 2. Here are some examples: On Windows, if you have a numeric keypad, you can . Share. Otherwise, these dashes can be accessed on a Windows . When you click on that, you'll see all the punctuation symbols. The following tables show sample characters, along with the keyboard shortcuts used to type them. To type the Letter O with an accent mark, first get to know the alt code of the character you want to type (for example, the O with acute "Ó" alt code is 0211), then press down the alt key and type the alt code (e.g. Typographers use different dashes for different purposes. Example: For tonight's homework, read pages 35 -50. ( ⌥ is the Option or Alt key). Hence, it is useful to distinguish between different sizes of dashes. Similar to en dash, Word will always split the word preceding the em dash to next line. Dashes are used in all types of writing for many different reasons. As dashes do not feature on a standard keyboard, lots of people use hyphens instead of dashes. You can't easily type dashes of varying lengths or typographic quotation marks with the U.S. English keyboard layout. For PC-laptop: since laptops do not have easily accessible numeric keypads, the en-dash insertion is a bit trickier.Type space followed by a hyphen like -this. As you can see, the em dash is the longest of the three, and roughly the width of the letter m, which is how it got its name. For example, option and 2016 keys to type pipeline symbol like ‖. If we know the difference and usage of those Hyphens and Dashes, we may utilize the same to a greater extent correctly. This is also called the double dash — and rightly so — because it actually consists of two dashes without spacing before or after either one. If you're not familiar with the different types of dashes, you can read about them here. In Unicode, the en dash is U+2013. On the keypad, type + to add, - to subtract, * to multiply, or / to divide. hold ⇧ Shift and type " - " underscore yields " ? To make a dash on the keyboard, you use the key to the right of the zero, like you do for a hyphen, but it's a little more complicated. I found your info on dashes, specifically en dashes and em dashes. Quick Guide to type the Letter O with Accent. Don't use an en dash instead of a minus sign. 3 em dashes can be confusing. On Chrome OS, type hit CTRL+Shift+U. There are 8 types of em dash in Formular by Brownfox. There are four common types of bracket: parentheses (), square brackets [], braces {}, and angle brackets <>. MacBook Air 11" has slightly different keyboard, with smaller top and bottom row keys to accommodate smaller laptop size. For instance, you get one type of dash when you press on the minus key-it is a dash that is very narrow. (And yes, the en dash is named because it's the width of the letter n.). You can type em dash by pressing control, alt keys and - in the numeric pad. * below I will refer to the key character for lower-case *. It is a dash longer than an en dash (-) and three times as long as a hyphen (-).. The en-dash is the shorter of the two. Turning smart dashes on or off doesn't affect existing hyphens and dashes in your spreadsheet, only new text that you type. In the search box, type Calculator, and then, in the list of results, click Calculator. Different dashes are used for different uses. Type the next number in the . Side View of Different Profile Types That also inserts the mid-length . There is also an interactive and printable exercise worksheet. On OS X, I can type Alt + - (hyphen). I am a bot, and this action was performed . This may be true in other places as well. Pressing the number keys on the top of the keyboard will not result in symbols appearing. Let us discuss the various types hereunder: 1. The en-dash is the shorter version of the dash, named en-dash as it should be the same length as the letter 'n'. The em-dash is the . Nevertheless, most modern processors and publishing platforms try to replace inappropriately positioned hyphens by the corresponding dashes automatically, which reduces the need to learn how to type them manually. Em dash. However, computers let everyone use the n dash and m dash in their writing. Dashes are often used to signal an abrupt change in a sentence, indicating that the reader should pay close attention to what comes next. It is similar in appearance to the hyphen and minus sign but is longer and sometimes higher from the baseline.The most common versions are the en dash -, longer than the hyphen; the em dash —, longer than the en dash; and the horizontal bar ―, whose length varies across typefaces but tends to be between those of the en . There are two types of dashes: the em dash ( — ) and the en (-) dash. This is also called the double dash — and rightly so — because it actually consists of two dashes without spacing before or after either one. You can use — in HTML to add the em-dash to a website. Under Language, click Change input methods. Type 2212 then (with no space) hit ALT-X. En dashes are half the width of the font height. In Windows, you can type any character you want by holding down the ALT key, typing a sequence of numbers, then releasing the ALT key. Hold down the Option key, and type a u (the letter u). Create en dashes in HTML with & #0150; (ampersand-no space, pound sign 0150 semi-colon). The en dash (-) gets its name because it's the same width as the letter N. It is generally used in place of "to" for . Important messages could be signalled by striking the bell on the . Please check out the wiki for general information about mechanical keyboards and consider posting questions in the daily sticky post at the top of the subreddit for any smaller questions. However, when you look at an en dash versus a hyphen, they don't look too dramatically different to most people, and there's no single-key way to type an en dash: On a Windows computer, you have to hold down the Alt key and type 0150 to get one. There are a couple of reasons this could happen too. Expressions The only real difference in the dashes is the width of them. See the tables below for instructions on how to type non-English characters while using the U.S. International keyboard layout on Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7. While doing so, type the letter N. To type the capital enye, press and hold the right Alt key and the Shift key at the same time, and then the letter N. Remember these keyboard combinations for typing enye after adding Spanish on Windows 10: Here are some different situations when you can use an em-dash: 1. You can also select different types of configurations or make your own custom controls. When you're typing emoticons don't type spaces between characters. The em-dash can be created on the PC by using holding down the ALT key and typing 0151 on the numeric keypad. I talk so much about different types of infinities in my mathematical reasoning lectures (putting up my hand to say interesting semi-relevant stuff) that I noticed once when the professor was talking to someone after class, she waved her hand in my direction when mentioning infinity. How typing: Hyphen , minus sign ? There are certain styles in which each row of keys has a different height to allow for a concave or sloped shape over the entire keycap set. Example: Our team won 75 -60. Em dashes are used in creating breaks in sentences, between two separate thoughts. The U.S. Int'l keyboard lets you type double angled quotation marks and single curved quotation marks, but not single angled . Brackets are punctuation marks used in pairs for a variety of reasons but most commonly to add a clarification. It is about as long as the letter "N." The en-dash indicates range. The keyboard is the way we use to enter or manipulate data or information, and it looks more or less like the one below: Other than the letters (a to z) and numbers (0 - 9) on the keyboard, there are also many symbols for different purposes. In Word, go to Insert - Symbols - More Symbols - enter Character Code 2212 - press Shortcut Key button - type a shortcut such as CTRL-hyphen - Assign - Close. ago. As a result, the issue of keyboard not typing correctly happens in Windows 10. on my keyboard when i press the dash key i get a question mark when i press the question mark i get some other symbol, my keyboard is not working correctly. All you have to do is press it, and that's it. There are actually two types of dashes, each with different uses: the em dash—also called the "long dash," according to Oxford Online Dictionaries—and the en dash, which doesn't have another name but falls between the hyphen and em dash in terms of length.The en dash is so named because it is approximately the equivalent width of the uppercase letter N and the em dash is roughly the width . Then enter the number code 2014. The en dash (-), a hyphen with a growth spurt, is used to represent the words "to" or "through" when specifying a range.. Using the numeric keypad, type the first number in the calculation. 2 Control-D has been used to signal "end of file" for text typed in at the terminal on Unix / Linux systems. To type an en dash, press the alt/option key and the hyphen key together, and to type an em dash, hold down the upper-case key while pressing the alt/option key and hyphen key together. Or, use the Unicode numeric entity of & #8211; (no spaces). Then, release the ALT-key. Brackets are punctuation marks used in pairs for a variety of reasons but most commonly to add a clarification. Newest MacBooks Pro with TouchBar don't have upper F keys row, instead, they have a touchscreen which changes displayed options based on context. Dashes. Here is the full list of the symbols and their names. This page explains how the brackets are used in writing, mathematics, and programming. The em dash also acts as the longest stop or pause in a sentence compared to the other three dashes, which all serve to join parts of sentences rather than break up a sentence and stop the reader. ; While the Alt key is pressed, type the sequence of numbers (on the numeric keypad) from the Alt code in the above table. The obvious suggestion would be to set up a text replacement in Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement, so that (for example) typing 4dash gave you a sequence of four hyphens, but that doesn't seem to work either, at least on iOS 12.3.1. The trick will not work if you press the hyphen-key on the typewriter section of the keyboard. The en dash will appear in the text field where your cursor is. Hi, it appears you may be new to this subreddit! Some call for a "bullet." On a PC, make a bullet by holding down Alt+7; on a Mac, make a bullet by holding down option+8. It punctuates phone numbers, ISBN codes on books and other strings of numerals. If the wrong characters appear when you are typing, or you are trying to use a different keyboard, use the following steps to synchronize Windows to the type of keyboard you are using: In Windows, search for and open Control Panel. Hyphen created. The first example above uses the en-dash. That combined with its limited number of uses makes it no surprise that the en dash has fallen . You can type a lot of characters that may not have a corresponding key on your keyboard - such as European language alphabetic characters, ASCII symbols, and even Chinese characters (also known as Hanzi, Kanji, or Hanja). It divides words at the end of lines in typeset material. On my keyboard, this didn't work for either. Answer (1 of 4): To Henry Zhang, HISTORY The eclectic em dash and en dash do not rate their own keys on a computer keyboard, because the design for the computer keyboard was modeled on the QWERTY designs of a typewriter, key punch, and teleprinter using the most-frequently needed letters, numbe. It is less easy on a Windows keyboard, but a new emjoi keyboard makes it easier as it has a short cut. OK - understand that the two keys are reversed ?? Format hyphens, dashes and quotation marks in Pages on Mac. Now this shortcut will insert a minus sign that's in-between the hyphen and the n-dash. And most commonly, as in the headline above, it glues together compound structures. Vertical whitespace may be input by typing ↵ Enter, which creates a 'newline' code sequence in most programs.On older keyboards, this key may instead be labeled Return, a holdover . What are the three types of dashes, and what can each do in a piece of writing? There will be an Omega symbol. keyboard symbols, math symbols, set theory symbols, etc.). Fixing a keyboard that types the wrong characters in Windows 10 isn't too difficult. Screen readers will read dashes as dashes, not as the minus sign. If you are looking for an easy way to type this em dash in Word, you've come to the right place. There are two types of dashes: the em dash ( — ) and the en (-) dash. Use the correct symbols for en dash and minus sign. The Types of Dash There are two types of dash: the em dash (—) and the en dash (-). Em dash is just one of them. The character hyphen bullet U+2043 is not listed among the dash characters, and there is no cross reference in the description of the hyphen bullet in the code chart. It can also be used to write sports scores. Check your keyboard light to see if Num Lock is on. There are a couple of reasons this could happen too. 2. A good way to remember the difference between these two dashes is to visualize the en dash as the length of the letter N and the em dash as the length of the letter M. These dashes not only differ in length; they also serve different functions within a sentence. By changing the shape of your keycaps, it lets you take the style and feel of your keyboard to a whole new level. Alternatively, press the alt key and then type 0151 on numeric keypad. As you know, you get one type of dash when you use the minus key on your keyboard - it is very narrow. On a Mac, press Option+Shift+dash (-) to insert an em dash. In Microsoft Word, click the Insert tab, click the Symbols button, and then click on More Symbols at the bottom of the. Microsoft Word gives us three types of Hyphens and two types of Dashes. 0211) using the numeric keypad. An em dash is also known as a long dash. Sometimes your keyboard doesn't go wrong and the only problem is that the NumLock key on the keyboard is enabled. Press and hold the right Alt key located on the right side of the keyboard. Click Auto-Correction at the top of the preferences window. Figuring out whether to use an en dash, em dash, 2 em dashes, or even (gasp!) In contemporary typefaces, dashes come in differing proportions, sometimes there are even several different types of em dash — the "old-fashioned" long form, and a more modern shorter variety, etc. To type a special character, using an Alt keyboard sequence: Ensure that the Num Lock key has been pressed, to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard. The dash is a punctuation mark consisting of a long horizontal line. Let's take a look at the different types of dashes and when to use these little punctuation marks. Word will automatically convert the hyphen to an en-dash like -this, but you will have to . With this keyboard shortcut, you can type the Em Dash symbol anywhere on your Mac computer. (The width of the em-dash can vary from font to font.) A longer dash is called an En dash because it is the same width of a lowercase letter n on your keyboard. Word will automatically convert the hyphen to an en-dash like -this, but you will have to . For PC-laptop: since laptops do not have easily accessible numeric keypads, the en-dash insertion is a bit trickier.Type space followed by a hyphen like -this. 2. En dash In ranges. The Em Dash. On Windows, use Ctrl+ Alt+ Hyphen (-). Insert Punctuation Symbols in Mac. In this case, you should press this key once and check if the keyboard can type the correct characters, letters or symbols. 1. Joystick (aka Controller/Gamepad): On pressing all buttons from the left part of your controller, the Muse will jump into . The hyphens will not be changed into typographic dashes. Regular Hyphen: This regular Hyphen can be had by just pressing the Hyphen key in our keyboard. The em dash (—), the longest and most versatile, is used to act as a more emphatic comma, semicolon, or colon. Here is the full list of the symbols and their names. In Word, however, the em dash is twice as wide as the en dash. To the untrained eye (which is almost everyone, including lots of seasoned writers) these dashes are all the same. En and em dashes are a little more tricky to find. Typographers use different dashes for different purposes. Use them as a type of punctuation. The only difference between the dashes is their width. To type the em dash symbol on Mac, obey the instructions below: First of all, place the insertion pointer where you need to type the Em Dash symbol. You can type an em dash with a combination of commands. Write an em dash. ; Press the Alt key, and hold it down. Some of the examples below call for an "underscore" - it is made by holding down the shift key and the hyphen key at the same time. The hyphen is still the only type of dash on a normal computer keyboard. How typing: Hyphen , minus sign ? The em dash is the same length as the character "M" (uppercase), and the en dash is same length as the letter "n" (lowercase). 3 Control-G is an artifact of the days when teletypes were in use. ; Release the Alt key, and the character will appear. We can all use dashes and other 'non-basic' punctuation just like a professional printing typesetter does. The Em Dash. The hyphen. Keyboard: On pressing D & F, the Muse will jump into the air and attack; while pressing J & K will have the Muse attack on the ground. If people find this site useful, I think I'll create a bunch of different "quick-references" for various categories of symbols (e.g. Windows, DOS, and older minicomputers used Control-Z for this purpose. Dashes. Examine these useful hyphen, em dash and en dash examples. There are three types of dashes in writing used to convey different ideas in an engaging way. Informally, a hyphen often stands in for a proper en dash. However, all dashes are not created equal and you may get dinged by an editor if you use the wrong one in the wrong situation. To add emphasis. Hold down the ALT-key, and then, by using the numeric keypad (on the right), type the character code. The only difference between the dashes is their width. 3. Write an en dash. If it isn't, press Num Lock. It seems that the hyphen bullet is really meant to be a bullet character that looks like a hyphen (of a kind), rather than comparable to hyphens and dashes. Em dashes in Gauge and Arial are quite different in width from those in Kazimir or . Depending on the layout of the keyboard, the hyphen key is at the top and beside the zero (0) key. To make sure screen readers read the minus sign, use the . Hold down the Alt key, press 0 1 5 0 on the numeric pad, and then release the Alt key. On Windows, I can type Alt+ 0150. Unfortunately, there's no convenient way to type a hyphen or a minus sign using standard keyboard shortcuts. The en-dash should always have spacing before and after. Answer: It depends on the software you are using. The hyphen (-), the shortest, is used to join multiple words that function together as a single concept, a.k.a. Em Dash gets its name from the letter 'M' because its width is equal to the em dash size. You can use em dash in connecting two different sentences that have different meanings. On Linux, there are a lot of different keyboard layouts with varying capabilities to choose from. For both en and em you suggested: type in the word, hold down the ALT key while typing 0150 (for en) and 0151 (for em) on the numerical pad on the right side of the keyboard. The trick will not work if you press the hyphen-key on the typewriter section of the keyboard. The hyphen, which shares a key with the underscore mark on the standard keyboard, has several functions. Option-shift-hyphen will create a dash on a Mac, while on . On the Mac, press Shift-Option and the minus key to make en em-dash. Only the numbers on the right hand keypad do this, not the numbers above the letters. With many keyboard layouts, a whitespace character may be entered by pressing spacebar.Horizontal whitespace may also be entered on many keyboards with the Tab ↹ key, although the length of the space may vary. Find the em dash and click to insert in your text. In any case, let's take a look at what we can do about fixing your keyboard typing wrong keys in windows 10. Let go of the keys (don't hold them down for step 3). Alt Key codes: ä, ö. A dash can be used to add emphasis at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. 6 min. More and more people are using Chromebooks. I think I'll also add data on the specific uses-cases of each symbol, and build up a bit of a database of the most commonly used Unicode symbols.

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different types of dashes on keyboard

different types of dashes on keyboard